On-Site Refinishing and Painting:
At Paint Core Finishes we provide great on-site finishing services. Our prep and masking work is very detailed leaving you with a top-notch finish and a clean space. You would never know we were working in the space when we are done with your project. Whether you have a residential or commercial refinishing project we have the solution for you.
On Site Refinishing Process of Cabinet Boxes/Structure:
We at Paint Core Finishes take great pride in this step of the refinishing process. We strongly believe that we are the best at on site refinishing. Your cabinet structure receives the same refinishing process as your doors, but with one exception, we will be spraying in your house. We know that your house is your biggest investment and we whole-heartedly respect that. Spraying in our studio is one thing, but when we spray in your home we take on an entirely differentapproach in our prep work. We mask off your entire kitchen from the rest of your home, creating a controlled environment, which ensures a great finish and a clean site. All the walls, floors, cabinet box openings get masked off. This gives us very crisp lines around your walls and all the edge banding in your cabinet boxes. We also apply plastic in all your door openings so no overspray and dust can leave your kitchen or enter it, essentially creating a controlled environment. If you have an open concept kitchen we make our own walls out of plastic and a Zip Wall system to mask it off from the rest of you home.
Our competitors don’t go this far. They might spray your doors but they usually go in your home and brush and roll your cabinet structure thus giving your refinished kitchen a re-painted look. Having your doors sprayed and your cabinet structure brushed and rolled will show a great contrast in finish quality.
We don’t brush and roll anything unless that’s the look you are going for. And when it comes to brushed finishes we feel that we are very good at that as well, but spraying out your entire kitchen will make all your friends and family believe that you just purchased a new one. That’s our goal at Paint Core Finishes.
Our philosophy is that a refinished kitchen shouldn’t look refinished; it should look like it was bought that way.